Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21 of 365

This is my oldest -- Bastian -- and I have had him since he was 8 weeks old. He is now almost 15 years old. Yesterday I made the difficult decision to put him to sleep. Our wonderful vet will be coming to our house on Tuesday. I tried to get some really good pictures of him today, but he never looked at the camera. Everytime I put the camera up to my face, he looked down! He hates to have his picture taken! Tuesday is also the two year anniversary of my mom passing away. It's comforting to know that they will be together on Tuesday. I'm sure mom will be taking Bastian for very long walks!


  1. I'm so sorry, Missy! My thoughts & prayers will be with you.

  2. I'm sorry to hear this, Missy! It is a difficult choice to make...but the right one when their quality of life is not the same. Hugs to you and your family!

  3. Thanks girls!!! The hardest part is telling the boys -- Connor isn't taking it too well!!!

  4. Oh Missy I am so sorry you have to do this. I know how much you love Bastain, but I guess that is why you are make this difficult choice. Our kids were both away at college when we had to put Katie to sleep. She got so bad so fast we couldn't wait for them to come home and say goodbye. It was awfully hard. I'll be praying for you all--it's hard to say goodbye to a much loved friend.
